Friday, September 23, 2011


diTaip oLeh Amaryllis ♥ at 2:37 AM 0 kOmEn2 uRg
HUOOO !! lupak ku nak mdah an ktk org ! aku nek tok da jd peminat J-ROCK / VISUAL KEI / OSHARE KEI !! :D band j-rock ku minat gegilak ialah ~~~

  • the GazettE (play most heavy rock)
  • Alice Nine ( the guitarist, Tora x) i'm in love wit him )
  • D'espairs ray ( had disbanded due Hizumi sickness u_u)
  • SuG ( :3 cuteee)
and thats all c: .. maybe i'll find another j-rock band x) 
    the gazette.
    ~ Ruki is the vocalist.super hot and cuteee !

    ~uruha is the lead guitarist. really really hooott c;

    ~aoi is the rythm guitarist x3.. hoottt tew.

    ~reita is the bassist . :o he always had a noseband. idk why but i heard he hate his          nose cx

    ~ and lastlyyyy kaiii ! the drummer , he isthe band leader too :o.he is superrrrr kawaiii ! x3

    alice nine.
    *shou is da vocalist x3.

    *tora ( my <3 ) is the rythm guitarist *0* - hottestt-

    * hiroto is the lead guitarist. :3

    *saga is the bassist ..hotty2 kissy2 x3

    *andddd naoooo-channn ( actually nao) the kawaaiiiiiii one ! :3

    yg lainn ku xtauk glak..ku cma minat gilak2 ngn cdak tuk ! c: ... J-ROCK foreverrr .

    okee ! abiss ! :)

    Friday, September 16, 2011

    FRIENDS ;)

    diTaip oLeh Amaryllis ♥ at 2:05 AM 0 kOmEn2 uRg
    FRIENDS, do u believe me that I would there for u ? do u believe me that I would help u whenever ur in trouble ?? do u believe me that I would put all of u in my HEART forever ??. ^^ whatever ur answer is, I will still loving u all. :'). 

    to my KAWAN(1)
        SORRY ! kmk x ngn ktk time ktk susah, tp, kmk da nulong ktk tauk x ? mun kmk xda, sapa mok call mak ktk time ya ? :( kmk ada dgn ktk, tp, mek xpat lmak. mek mok mbak ktk, tp, byk dah org angkat ktk alu xda ruang gk. pas mek call mak mek, mek t'paksa balit klas sbb klak ckgu dtg. don't salah fhm oke ? sma juak ngn wanie, Nieya or lain2. (mun ada).. x( mek prg anggap ktk FRIEND ok ? not anything else. FRIEND ! :( mun x cyk, xpa. kmk redha jak. 

    I can't bring this to school . I have to put all of these aside first. I really can't solve it in anyway. I just don't want to LOSE A FRIEND. I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO LOSE A FRIEND. :(((


    Monday, September 12, 2011

    - i'm backiess !!

    diTaip oLeh Amaryllis ♥ at 2:20 AM 0 kOmEn2 uRg
    heyyyaaa ! i'mback ! missed mehh ?? missing u too <3 xD ..lmak ku x update blog ku ehh..hahaha.. laptop tuk tuyuk glak. malajk mdah 'NOT FOUND'2 . bencik kuu.. huuu ~ btw byk cmnak d'cita ku tokkk ! psal rya, kwan , posa, ... nmcm2 lahh !nak ney cita lok ou ? hmm.. ku crita psal kwn ku lah ! si Nieya yaa.. haha.. dah lmak dah tuk tp, ku xpost2 gk. nya dah BERJAYA menambat hati di DIA yg sudah lma suka. 

    BEST da jak Nieya. saba jk nya nunggu si DIA yaa.. dlok si DIA ya ada grek. tp, grek nya po taiikk ! jaik da ngn nya tp, si DIA setia jk ngn nya. aku pun dah rpt ngn si DIA tok. ku anggap ny cm adek ku... mcm2 jak nya luah an aku.. mena2 ku nasihat nya..nya mala jak mdah " MOK MATII ! AKU X D'PERLUKAN DI DUNIA TOK" lmak2 lejuk juak ku nenga nya kohh.. smpe xpnde mdah apa2 gk. nyo yoo ntingai glakk. mun dah sdih,, siap lahh ! smpe x mkan minum 2,3 ari.. leput kt skool salu dahh.. haizz.. d'pendekkan crita, lmak2 nya cuba lupakkan grek nya yaa... pasya aku memperkenalkan si DIA dgn Nieya.. hehe ~ mula2 si DIA x knal la ngn nya tp, si DIA prasan nya salu nangga nya dri ats kat klas. hehe . maluu NIEYA. pasya si DIA dah tauk siapa Nieya.. alu lah d'kaco2 mek DIA n Nieya malu2 kucing ~ hehehe. :D pasya, suatu ari time mek duak si DIA chat, si DIA mdah nya dah mula suka ngn NIEYA!!!   weee !!!! YAHOOOO! aku gksuk ati nenga yaa !! pasya nya mok mbak Nieya grek ! aku brik la Nieya. haha.. bila nya duak mula texting.. lmak2 alu lah BERGEREK !!! HAHA ! sukkkk na ati ku nangga kwan ku HEPPI :DD btw, aku harap nya duak akn kekal selamanya hee ~
     pause lokk. mlas ku nymbong. lak nymbong gk k ? okk ! sayonara ! :D

    Hari Rayooo ~ : D

    diTaip oLeh Amaryllis ♥ at 2:16 AM 0 kOmEn2 uRg
    weee ~ Hari Raya dtg lg !! best ehhh ~ tp, bju rya x best glak :/ x pa ! aslkan RAYAA !! : D kat c-aman x byk glak umah di'ngabang mek org x D .. cmne raya ktk org tek ? best ?! bg aku mmg BEST ! tp, raya taun lepas BESSTT gk ! : D .. time raya aku, adek ku, n kakak ku nang x alah2 ambk gmba ! xda keja lain gkk !! hahaha. * posa ku x penoh ._. * haahah xD haiisshh .. mlas na nak ganti ehh.. tp, mesti juak !! >:D diat gmba tok ! -->
     first RAYA . :D
    second RAYA . otw pegi ke kubur nenek. ;)

    rindook ehh ! hee ~ :D aku , adek ku n kakak ku nang xda keja lain. ambk gmbaaa jak keja :D da la camera ya best da ! ada effect vignetting. kacakk ! :D


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