Friday, September 16, 2011


diTaip oLeh Amaryllis ♥ at 2:05 AM
FRIENDS, do u believe me that I would there for u ? do u believe me that I would help u whenever ur in trouble ?? do u believe me that I would put all of u in my HEART forever ??. ^^ whatever ur answer is, I will still loving u all. :'). 

to my KAWAN(1)
    SORRY ! kmk x ngn ktk time ktk susah, tp, kmk da nulong ktk tauk x ? mun kmk xda, sapa mok call mak ktk time ya ? :( kmk ada dgn ktk, tp, mek xpat lmak. mek mok mbak ktk, tp, byk dah org angkat ktk alu xda ruang gk. pas mek call mak mek, mek t'paksa balit klas sbb klak ckgu dtg. don't salah fhm oke ? sma juak ngn wanie, Nieya or lain2. (mun ada).. x( mek prg anggap ktk FRIEND ok ? not anything else. FRIEND ! :( mun x cyk, xpa. kmk redha jak. 

I can't bring this to school . I have to put all of these aside first. I really can't solve it in anyway. I just don't want to LOSE A FRIEND. I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO LOSE A FRIEND. :(((


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